Well, here I am again. It snowed yesterday, all day... so there are several inches on the ground. It's cloudy today, so I don't see much melting. I went out yesterday and stumbled feebly about, but I'm not sure I want to go out today. Mostly I'm afraid of falling down, though the exercise would do me good, maybe. But I don't consider slipping on the ice and falling on my ass "exercise". I feel mostly like staying in. Also I need to have a decent meal, all I've had is coffee and a couple of waffles.
Anyway, I'm trying to use this Windows laptop more, which means getting things set up on here. I'm in Microsoft Edge, though I have Firefox and Chrome installed as well. Edge seems to be working better these days, at least it's no worse than any other browser. I think the slowness on some websites is just because Windows sucks.
I got kicked off my main Twitter account for 12 hours because their moronic algorithm can't recognize jokes, only keywords. Oddly enough they seem to have turned all this stuff on after the Inauguration and kicking Trump off the site. They had no problem with "misinformation" of any kind before, only people using swears. Lousy site. I'm using my alt, but I only follow a fraction of the people I did on the main account, and only a few follow me... it's sort of peaceful really.
Well, time to make lunch or something.