« 30 Days of Who -- all the rest of the days |
| And now for something completely horrendous »
1) Get a boyfriend.
2) Leave Miami, where I had lived all my life, for Orlando.
3) Survive breaking up with the boyfriend without becoming a basket case/homeless/crawling back to Miami/becoming soured on life.
4) Successfully live on my own for ten years (actually more but for some reason no one took my living by myself for several years in a garage apartment in Miami seriously).
5) Drive all the way by myself to Kentucky to see a U2 concert.
6) Finish getting my Associates Degree.
7) Finally leave Florida to move to Virginia -- again, all by myself, after giving most of my belongings away.
Yeah, I don't talk to those friends anymore.
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I just realized that I was supposed to only pick one thing. Oops. Okay, the one major thing that none of my "friends" thought I could do was move out of Florida. But I did.
Posted by: Andrea Harris | 08/16/2010 at 02:03 AM